Monday, April 7, 2008

New beginnings..

I have this blog since i was in college. "have" is not really the appropriate word in this case cause i decided to close the blog down about the time i graduated....and that happened almost 2 years go.
Well that seemed a long time and the archive was deleted. Unfortunately i miss those blogs. They were interesting...well the past should stay in the past. Nothing good can come out of it, can there?
How did this turn into something about the past when i actually wanted to tell a story about the present? So..what is going on in the present? I give you this: blogging is way more popular than it used to be. :) Yes, it is!! Trust me on this one. Everyone "needs" to open up to the world... and to prove themselves. Its an ongoing do i "specialize"? How do i distinguish myself from the mob? Well its easy. Theoretically all you have to do is be yourself. Practically people try to be so much different and special that they hit the group entitled "we are all the same because we want to be different"..that's a pun to some extent. Statistically speaking we, we all humans on Earth, have lots of things in common. So many things that we can call that commonalities "normal". Hey, I tricked you and you fell for it...ha haha. Indeed psychologists will always support that we are all different and special, all we need is to be ourselves and stop pretending to be something else. CAN WE DO THAT?? By "we" i mean some of the "we" 's that are out there.
It striked me a little while back how many people do that. Some quite successfully. How is that saying going "dont trust first impressions"..? i dont remember exactly the English version but the Romanian one goes like this: "aparentele inseala". I've seen the doctor Jeckyl turn to Mr. Hide effect....scary? yes! Episodes like that are always disarming to me, because I have this innate propensity of aiding the people around me. As one of friends said "when somebody needs help or is feeling something, bang, i do something nice to make them feel good, so that everyone and everything is ok around". That situation is disarming because trying to help in this particular case is not really the best solution...maybe not even a solution at all.

I just cracked up laughing at one of my colleagues who printed around 6-8 invoices in landscape.
Hillarious. She didnt think it was so...nonetheless I lost my train of thought. :P Or i just made up a brilliant excuse to stop writting. I think this is a good start to getting back on the blog thing after such a long separation.
Thanks for being here with me! In dedication to a special person that came in my life...and way too quickly left... I do miss you!

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